Wednesday 13 April 2011


Hello everyone! We are Syafiqah, Eda, Cheryl, Gabrielle and Rei from Cedar Girls' Secondary School, 1C! :)

We are called the BBC a.k.a Brainy Bloggers Co. This is our blog! In this blog, we will be discussing topics about Technology and how it effects us in our daily lives. 
Everyday, A member of the BBC will create an entry about a specific topic and her view. In the comments, all of us will leave a comment with our views. 
Syafiqah will post on Mondays, Eda will post on Tuesdays, Cheryl on Wednesdays, Gabrielle on Thursdays and Rei on Fridays and we will be posting our reflections on certain articles during the weekend.
This ensures that almost everyday of your week will be filled with cool, interesting facts and great discussions! We have to go now. Bye! (:

BBC! <3

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