Thursday 12 May 2011

Hobbies (:

Do you like blogging? Did you know it is hobby too? Nowadays teenagers, do not like to write in diaries like these anymore.
They write in a blog! Like what I am doing right now! Blogging is when you pen down your personal feelings and other secrets that you do not want to share with others. However, blogging is an open diary, where random people may read it. A blogging is a form of personal recount, which is thought in Cedar Girls' Secondary School. Here, we share our thoughts and feelings of how technology helps us to learn. 
If you thing that when blogging, there is only blogger, then it is not true. Here are the list of blogs you can use:

Facebook :D

Some of these are common, so are not. Blogging can also be bad for you if you become addicted. Better be careful of what you post too! I hope you have learnt something new today and will take up blogging as your hobby. It may be useful one day...... you never know!

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Aprendizaje de nuestra historia a través de un futuro (Learning our history through the future)

Would Sir Stamford Raffles, back then, would have thought that technology in museums could be used to find out about him? Probably not. But it is true! Technology is now used to recreate historical scenes in museums. For example, there was a time when I had a school trip to this place where all the generals made the decision to surrender. They made wax figures and shone lights on them to show us what happened back then. It was really engaging and got me really intrigued by our history!
Nowadays, seeing technology in museums is quite a common sight. It is quite ironic actually, using the future to learn the past. But it is useful, I am sure. A lot of my classmates were quite interested and actually willingly went to check online about the place called the Battle Box after our trip. Isn't it amazing that technology can make even the most boring history things interesting?
Eda ^_^

Enhancement of Food

Have you ever eaten anything that has been genetically modified? I am sure some of you will immediately answer, NO. However, I am sure that most people would have eaten genetically modified food, without even knowing it!

To genetically modify food, scientists may experiment by placing some harmless chemicals into the food itself so that it will taste better, grow faster or even have a longer shelf life. Genetically modified food has done a lot of good for the world. It is a breakthrough in scientific research and it is also one of the main reasons that the food we eat is so delicious. Is it not awesome?

I know that some people may think that this food is unhealthy or poisonous, but it is actually quite healthy. In fact, some of the genetically modified foods are actually have many more nutrients. If you do not believe me, look at this!
This article proves that genetic modification has actually helped to keep cancer at bay and also increased the life span of rats(I am not certain it works on humans)


Monday 9 May 2011


Directed to all readers
Just to clear your confusion (if any), Syafiqah, Cheryl and Rei have posted for this week ahead of time because they are going to be busy on the day that they are suppose to post so you need not wonder why they are not posting :D

Thank You!!

Sunday 8 May 2011

Music Related To Technology!!

Hi everyone!! I will be posting today instead of Wednesday because I am having exams on Thursday and CCA on Wednesday so I will be reaching home at approximately 7-8 p.m. So just in case I would not be able to post on that day, I shall be posting today!!
So today, I will be talking about music related to technology. Have you ever thought back to the dinosaur age where there was no such thing as technology? Have you ever thought about how lives were like without technology to upload music?
Go to fullsize image
I’m sure when you buy your MP3 players or handphones, song does not come together with it. So, people would have to upload it themselves. Imagine living a life without music in the background… how do you feel? If you ask me, I would feel absolutely bored to death. Now that technology is so advanced, you can actually listen to your favourite song on the Internet. To make live better, some people would also choose to upload it onto their handphones so that they can blast the music every single time they feel like doing so.
Go to fullsize imageUploading songs onto your handphones is indeed very efficient since it finishes its downloading in a blink of an eye (unless your computer hangs). Although some people might think that it is illegal, but as long as you do not send to other people or claim originality, then you are not wrong.
Having music boost your energy because it keeps you awake when you feel like falling asleep (like ME XD). Did you realize that it also helps you to control your emotions? For example, whenever I’m feeling upset, I would play those sentimental songs. Take a look at this video: . This singer is expressing his sad feelings because his wife is sick in the hospital. Don’t you feel sad for him?
So, what I’m simply trying to say is that without technology, there would be no such thing called music and without music, there would not a cheerful life lead by some people.
Here are some other music to keep you people entertain. Enjoy!!

Cheryl <3 (Sorry for the small image :D I can't seem to find a way to enlarge it)

Food(no time on friday)

Hi All.(I know Gabrielle)

I had no time to post on friday when I had to cycle over half of Pulau Ubin and mountain bike through about 100m of grass and mud. I also forgot to prepare a post so I shall begin now.

Today, I will talk about food, as usual. I will talk about phone deliveries. About a decade ago, when somebody wanted to eat, they had three options.
1. Eat Out
2. Buy ingredients and cook
3. Wait for their mother to buy it for them

Well! nowadays, there is a much more convenient way to get food! that is, to order it on the internet. Although this luxury only applies to some restaurants, I think it is one of the best things that ever happened to man kind!

when you feel like ordering food and you are too tired to go down and buy it yourself, you can just go online and order it! Is it not awesome? I have only done this once, however, I plan to do so more in the near future.

I think that this is a really cool way to order your food. It is so simple and you can have the food delivered right to your doorstep!

An alternative is to call the restaurant and order your food through the phone. However, I find it less efficient as there is no menu in front of you to decide what you want to order.


Saturday 7 May 2011


Hi there! I'm so so very sorry for the extremely late post! Have you ever wanted to fold origami, but could never understand what the instructions are from the book? Now, with technology, you will never find it difficult to fold origami anymore! You can always go onto YouTube and find a particular thing you want to fold, watch the video and TA DA you would have made a nice origami!! It is really that simple! Remember Express Yourselves Day and Mr Chue let us fold an origami Twitter Bird?
Here is the link for you to try it yourself! (It is quite difficult to fold)
Here is another link where you can learn much more origami. The best part is, there are videos for all the origami designs which are displayed on the website.
If you think origami is starting to get boring, you can always find innovative ways to make it more enjoyable. Look at these pictures.
You can make them into charms for your earingss, braclets, or necklaces! Even fashion comes from origami!

Of course, do not ever wear this pair of shoes out!
Now do you see how you can learn how to fold different designs of origami and at the same, have fun? I hope you have learnt something from this post, and take on the art of folding origami as your hobby!

Sorry if my posts are getting longer and longer and getting more boring!
-Gabrielle ^^